Neighborhood Safety

Neighborhood Safety

Our neighborhood enjoys excellent support from the Hoover Police Department and Hoover Fire Department.

While we are a very safe community, Monte D’Oro has a very busy street along Wisteria Drive and at times the stop signs and speed limits are violated.

Please report any issues to the Hoover Police Department.

Emergencies: 911

Non-emergencies: Call (205) 822-5300

Hoover Police Crime Prevention and Neighborhood Watch

Officer Brian Hale

(205) 739-6050

Monte D'Oro Neighborhood Watch is a program dedicated to improving the quality of life in our neighborhood through crime prevention. In

this program, citizens and police officers work as partners.

Coordinator - Glen Houlditch

Find your Block Captain: Block Captains Area Map

Helpful Documents:

Observation & Description Manual

Neighborhood Watch Manual

Hoover Crime Prevention Recommendations

Reduce the Risk of Vehicle Break-ins: PDF, Watch this Video

Tips to Avoid Theft from Vehicles:

From Hoover Police Department: As a general rule, a thief will not break into a vehicle on the “chance” that something worth stealing “might” be inside. They use their eyes first. Can they see anything inside? If the answer is NO, then they move on to the next house like you see in the video. If the answer is YES, they then lift up on the door handle to get in. Rarely will they “break” the window or “jimmy the door”. Why? This will set off the alarm and it makes noise/creates attention. They don’t want noise and attention as this will lead to someone seeing them and calling Police.

Avoid being a victim!

  • Don’t leave ANYTHING in plain view.

  • Take your items with you. At the very least, hide them in the trunk. (Remember, thieves place value on things that we don’t necessarily think about: change in cup holder, sunglasses, other little things lying around.)

  • LOCK your doors and make sure the alarm is activated.

Is it really that simple? Yes, it is, and this video proves that. LOCK, HIDE, TAKE!

See more ways to prevent Residential Vehicle Break-ins on our website: